
Tuesday 8 April 2008

avoiding the issue

Why, when you know there are important things you have to do, do you find anything you possibly can to do to avoid it!? The thing I need to do...??....sort my stuff out and start packing for the move. I've done nothing so far. Well, that's not strictly true. I have realised I won't be able to paint once I leave here, until I find somewhere of my I started some paintings! A large self portrait and also some tiny (3x3 inch) collaged paintings. I have also, this very second, realised I shall also be without sewing machine and piles of fabric. The ability to make a new dress whenever I fancy shall be taken away. Perhaps I should draw up some designs and get started on some new ones immediately?? I still have three weeks to pack after all.


I have also been thinking that I may need to put the etsy shop to rest whilst I stay with my sister. I'm not quite sure how it's going to work out out otherwise. Such a shame as I've really only just got started with it! But without my computer things may get a little difficult. But it would only be temporary....if at all! watch this space I guess!


Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

Oh my! I think I can deal without the computer for awhile...but not the fabric and sewing machine! Wishing you a safe move and hope you find a place of your own very soon ~

Has the sun come out?

Susan Kruse said...

Yeah, I hope the move will be brilliant for you. Does this mean that you got on the MA? If so, hurray! (I had the worst MA interview EVER and have heard nothing from them, so I guess I'm not going!)
I really hope the move will be great for you art work, just take your time and produce your work the way you want/need to do it - and have fun!

lostintheforest said...

sleepycathollow - I could never live without sewing machine, fabric, pens, pencils & paper - thankfully I don't have to live without my computer just yet!

Kruse - nope, not yet got on the MA course, I still haven't heard anything from them, which in a way I am glad of as I really can't afford it at the many ways I think. Monetary and emotionally - after a rather big break up I now think I could really do with a time on my own to rediscover who I am and what I'm doing. The move will be good to rectify both of these things!
I'm sure your interview wasn't THAT bad - they are always bad, but never to the extent in which you think! I'm sure you'll have done fine!

artsyclay said...

Congrats on being on the Etsy front page yesterday! I love your creations and have enjoyed reading your blog, and especially the lovely photos from Scotland.
Wishing you all the best with the changes in your life.

lostintheforest said...

Thanks artsclay :)
There'll be new photos of different parts of Scotland soon :D