
Friday 28 December 2007

Well, the festivities are over, atleast until Sunday anyway, when the New Year festivities begin! Christmas has been good this year. Two of my three sisters and one of their boyfriends came to stay and much fun (and cheese) was had by all!

I thought I'd fit in atleast one more days work before the year is out, so began work on my new website today. It's been a while since I've done any substantial web design, so it has taken me a while to get back into it. But thus far, I'm pleased with the results, although a lot of tweaking is still required before I actually show it to anybody. So watch this space I guess!

I had a really good chat with a friend I haven't really seen or spoken to for a long time yesterday. It really cheered me up no end to think that there are people out there who still care and who you still totally click with no matter how long it's been. It's sometimes easy to forget that you're not on your own when you live in the middle of nowhere! Not that I don't love my parents company!! So the following things are in honour of that conversation yesterday!

from charliemotel on etsy. I actually bought a small print of this for my sister 2 days before Christmas and it arrived the next day! Highly recommended seller and sweet stuff!
LilyMoon on etsy - I adore these pins, I just can't decide which I want most!
The Beautiful Project on etsy

Tea and cake, knitting, prettiness and goats - but good goats are hard to find!!

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